國立雲林科技大學 智慧數據科學研究所



黃國豪 副教授

黃國豪Gwo-Haur Hwang

職銜 : 副教授

學歷 : 國立交通大學電子研究所博士

專長 : 智慧型系統(intelligent systems)、行動與無所不在學習(mobile and ubiquitous learning)、翻轉教室(flipped classrooms)、遊戲式學習(game-based learning)、電腦支援個人化學習(computer-supported personalized learning, CSPL)、電腦支援合作式化學習computer-supported collaborative learning, CSCL)、新興科技增強學習(emerging technologies (AR, VR, somatosensory, wearable technologies, Robot) enhanced learning).

分機 : 7198

信箱 : ghhwang@yuntech.edu.tw

經歷 :

  1. 中華電信研究所副研究員 (1994.10-1999.7)
  2. 嶺東科技大學資訊管理系助理教授 (1999.8-2000.7)
  3. 嶺東科技大學商業自動化中心秘書 (2000.8-2002.1)
  4. 嶺東科技大學資訊管理系助理教授兼系主任 (2002.2-2008.7)
  5. 嶺東科技大學資訊管理系副教授 (2008.8-2009.7)
  6. 嶺東科技大學資訊科技系副教授 (2009.8-2011.7)
  7. 嶺東科技大學資訊網路系副教授 (2011.8-2014.7)
  8. 嶺東科技大學資訊網路系副教授兼系主住 (2014.8-2018.1)
  9. 國立雲林科技大學未來學院前瞻學士學位學程副教授 (2018.2-2020.7)

教師證照 :

  1. IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification)
  2. EPCglobal Foundation Certificate

教師服務 :

  1. 教育部技術型高中電機與電子群核心科目適性教學教材研發實驗計畫的共同主持人
  2. GCCCE (2017至2021) Computer-Supported Personalized and Collaborative Learning Workshop召集人
  3. ICCE (2018至2021) Computer-Supported Personalized and Collaborative Learning Workshop召集人
  4. International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) (2017至2022) 論文審查委員
  5. 全球華人探究學習創新應用大會(GCCIL2018至2021) 議程委員
  6. 全球華人電腦教育應用大會(GCCCE)(2018至2019)子會議副主席
  7. 全球華人電腦教育應用大會(GCCCE)(2017至2022) 論文審查委員/議程委員
  8. 台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF)(2017至2022) 論文審查委員/議程委員
  9. 臺灣網際網路研討會(TANET)(2018至2021) 論文審查委員/議程委員
  10. 全國計算機會議(NCS2021) 論文審查委員/議程委員
  11. 科技部人文司資訊教育學門電腦支援合作與個人化學習SIG召集人(2019/12-2021/11)
  12. 社團法人台灣數位學習與內容學會監事 (2014/11/21-2023/11/20)
  13. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI) (2017至2022) 論文審查委員
  14. Journal of Educational Technology & Society (SSCI) (2017至2022) 論文審查委員
  15. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies(EI) (2017至2021) 論文審查委員
  16. 數位學習科技期刊(TSSCI) (2017至2022) 論文審查委員
  17. 國立臺灣科技大學人文社會學報 (2017至2022) 論文審查委員
  18. 教育部高中職行動學習計畫 (2017至2021) 審查委員
  19. 教育部高中職行動學習計畫 (2017至2021) 輔導教授 (光華高工、嶺東高中、嘉義高工、華南高商、田中高中、福智高中)
  20. 教育部高中職科技輔助自主學習輔導教授(2021-2022)
  21. 教育部國民中小學「行動學習傑出教師選拔活動」實施計畫 (2017-2019) 審查委員
  22. 教育部國民中小學科技輔助自主學習輔導教授(2021-2022)
  23. 教育部國民中小學行動學習計畫 (2018-2021) 輔導教授 (台中市神圳國中、嘉義縣六嘉國中、大同國小、斗南國小)
  24. 科技部計畫及大專學生研究計畫 (2017至2021) 審查委員
  25. 科技部計畫 (2017至2021) 審查委員
  26. 臺中市教育局市本位國小資訊課程教材審查委員(2022)

教師獲獎 :

  1. 國立雲林科技大學110學年度研發新人獎 (2021/11/27)
  2. 國立雲林科技大學109學年度研究優良教師
  3. 嶺東科技大學106年度教學卓越計畫之卓越教師。
  4. 中區技專校院校際聯盟2016年研發成果網路聯合發表會作品競賽佳作,國立虎尾科技大學,2017/04/26。
  5. 資深優良教師大勇獎,中華民國私立教育事業協會,2014/09/28。
  6. 指導專題學生參加資訊應用實務專題競賽第二名,嶺東科技大學資訊學院,2014/05/14。
  7. 第三屆數位合作與個人化學習主題研究群研討會最佳論文獎,國立新竹教育大學,2014/05/09。
  8. 106年度科技部特殊優秀人才獎勵。
  9. 104年度科技部特殊優秀人才獎勵。
  10. 103年度科技部特殊優秀人才獎勵。服務學習績優教師,嶺東科技大學,2012/02/10。
  11. Top Cited Article Certihcate,Innovations in Education and Teaching International,2011/11/01。

學術期刊論文 :

  1. Jun-Hui Yeo, I-Hsuan Cho, Gwo-Haur Hwang*, & Hsi-Hsun Yang (2022). Impact of Gender and Prior Knowledge on Learning Performance and Motivation in a Digital Game-based Learning Biology Course. Educational Technology Research and Development. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-022-10099-8 (SSCI, IF: 3.565, Journal ranking: 55/264, Q1)
  2. Hui-Chun Chu, Gwo-Haur Hwang*, Yun-Fang Tu, & Kai-Hsiang Yang (2022). Roles and research trends of artificial intelligence in higher education: A systematic review of the top 50 most-cited articles. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 38(3), 15-35. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.7526 (SSCI, IF: 3.5067, Journal ranking: 76/264, Q2)
  3. Ching-Yi Chang, Patcharin Panjaburee, Hui-Chen Lin, Chiu-Lin, Lai, & Gwo-Haur Hwang* (2022/01/16). Effects of a self-regulated flipped learning approach on students’ learning performance, self-efficacy, self-regulation and critical thinking in professional training. Educational Technology Research and Development, 70, 185–204. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-021-10071-y (SSCI, IF: 3.565, Journal ranking: 55/264, Q1) MOST 108-2511-H-224-006-MY3
  4. Ching-Yi Chang, Shu-Yu Kuo and Gwo- Haur Hwang* (2022/01). Chatbot-facilitated nursing education: incorporating a knowledge-based chatbot system into a nursing training program. Educational Technology & Society, 25(1), 15-27. (SSCI, IF: 3.522, Journal ranking: 56/264, Q1). MOST-109-2635-H-227-001, MOST 108-2511-H-224-006-MY3, and MOST 110-2511-H-038-008
  5. Jingyun Wang, Gwo-Haur Hwang, Ching-Yi Chang* (2021). Directions of the 100 most cited chatbot-related human behavior research: A review of academic publications. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2, 100023. (Scopus) MOST 109-2635-H-227-001, MOST 108-2511-H-224-006-MY3, and Taipei Medical University under contract number TMU109-AE1-B25
  6. Beyin Chen, Gwo-Haur Hwang*, & Shen-Hua Wang (2021). Gender Differences in Cognitive Load when Applying Game-Based Learning with Intelligent Robots. Educational Technology & Society, 24 (3), 102–115. (SSCI, IF: 3.522, Journal ranking: 56/264, Q1). MOST 107-2511-H-275-001 and MOST 108-2511-H-224-006-MY3
  7. Gwo-Haur Hwang*, Yi-Tien Tao, Ling-Mei Lee, Pei-Xun Lan, Yu-Ting Hong, Shu-Wei Hsu, & Cheng-Yi Shi (2021). Analysis of Technology Acceptance and Flow Experience of Using Companion Robots among Older Adults in Care Center Environmental Engineering. Journal of Innovative Technology, 3(1), 7-14.
  8. Beyin Chen, Gwo-Haur Hwang*, & Tze-Shiun Lin (2019/4/29 online, Published: 2020/1). Impacts of a dynamic grouping strategy on students’ learning effectiveness and experience value in an item bank-based collaborative practice system, British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(1), 36-52. (SSCI, IF: 4.929, Journal ranking: 19/264, Q1) DOI:10.1111/bjet.12794 MOST 106-2511-S-275-001, MOST 106-2511-S-224-002 and MOST 106-2511-S-224-003-MY2.
  9. Bieng-Yi Chang, Ching-Yi Chang, Gwo-Haur Hwang & Fan-Ray Kuo* (Published online: 2018/6/12, Published: 2019/9). A situation-based flipped classroom to improving nursing staff performance in advanced cardiac life support training course. Interactive Learning Environments, 27(8), 1062-1074, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2018.1485709 (SSCI)
  10. Gwo-Haur Hwang*, Beyin Chen & Chia-Wen Sung (Published online: 2018/6/6, Published: 2019/9). Impacts of flipped classrooms with peer assessment on students’ effectiveness of playing musical instruments – taking amateur erhu learners as an example. Interactive Learning Environments, 27(8), 1047-1061, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2018.1481105 MOST 105-2511-S-275-003. (SSCI)
  11. Yen-Nan Lin, Lu-Ho Hsia*, Meng-Yuan Sung & Gwo-Haur Hwang (Published online: 2018/4/9, Published: 2019/9). Effects of integrating mobile technology-assisted peer assessment into flipped learning on students’ dance skills and self-efficacy. Interactive Learning Environments, 27(8), 995-1010, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2018.1461115 MOST 106-2511-S-224-003-MY2 and MOST 107-2511-S-167-001. (SSCI)
  12. Gwo-Haur Hwang*, Beyin Chen, Ru-Shan Chen, Ting-Ting Wu & Yu-Ling Lai (Published online: 2019/4/26, Published: 2019/5) Differences between students’ learning behaviors and performances of adopting a competitive game-based item bank practice approach for learning procedural and declarative knowledge, Interactive Learning Environments, 27(5-6), 740-753, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2019.1610458 MOST 106-2511-S-224-002 (SSCI)
  13. Yu-Fen Yang*, Ruey-Fen Harn & Gwo-Haur Hwang (2019/1). Using a Bilingual Concordancer for Text Revisions in EFL Writing. Educational Technology & Society, 22 (1), 106–119. (SSCI) IF: 1.767, Journal ranking: 76/239, Q2. (Online Published)
  14. 黃國豪*、陳碧茵、賴泑伶、蘇宥鋐、曹雅涵(2019年1月)。探討先備知識對競爭遊戲式題庫練習之影響-以HTML5證照輔導為例。數位學習科技期刊,11(1),1-23。MOST 105-2511-S-275-003、MOST 105-2815-C-275- 008-U及MOST 106-2511-S-275-002。(TSSCI)
  15. Gwo-Haur Hwang*, Beyin Chen, Shiau-Huei Huang (2018/10). Development and analysis of an enhanced multi-expert knowledge integration system for designing context-aware ubiquitous learning contents, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET), 16(4), 31-53, DOI: 10.4018/IJDET.2018100103 NSC99-2511-S-275-001-MY3. (EI)
  16. 錢昭萍、梁麗珍、黃國豪、黃恆霖(2017年1月)。數位繪本或擴增實境融入國文教學對學習之影響:以科技大學資訊與非資訊資訊學院學生為例。數位學習科技期刊,9(1),1-32。(TSSCI)
  17. 黃國豪*、郭庭歡、蘇宥鋐、曹雅涵(2017年1月)。年齡對二胡學習者偏好之影響。國立臺灣科技大學人文社會學報,13(1),1-28。計畫編號:MOST 103-2511-S-275-002-MY2。
  18. 錢昭萍、黃國豪、梁麗珍、李琛瑜、王羽萱(2016年12月)。圖像式媒體融入國文教學對學習之影響-以科技大學藝術設計與非藝術設計學生為例。國立臺灣科技大學人文社會學報,12(4),277-304。
  19. Pei-Shan Tsai, Chin-Chung Tsai & Gwo-Haur Hwang (Published online: 2015/5/5, Published: 2016/10). The effects of instructional methods on students' learning outcomes requiring different cognitive abilities: context-aware ubiquitous learning versus traditional instruction. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(7), 1497-1510, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2015.1035730 (SSCI) 計畫編號:NSC 101-2511-S-011-003-MY3 and NSC 99-2511-S-275-001-MY3.
  20. Gwo-Haur Hwang*, Beyin Chen, Cin-Wei Huang (2016/1). Development and Effectiveness Analysis of a Personalized Ubiquitous Multi-Device Certification Tutoring System Based on Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Educational Technology & Society, 19(1), 223-236. (SSCI) NSC 99-2511-S-275-001- MY3.
  21. 黃國豪*、郭庭歡、蘇宥鋐、曹雅涵(2015年11月)。二胡業餘學習者在人生不同階段的學習動機之探討。中國語文學刊,8,23-39。ISSN 2072-1021。計畫編號:MOST 103-2511-S-275-002-MY2。
  22. Tzu-Chi Yang, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Stephen J. H. Yang and Gwo-Haur Hwang (2015). A Two-Tier Test-based Approach to Improving Students’ Computer-Programming Skills in a Web-Based Learning Environment. Educational Technology & Society, 18 (1), 198–210. (SSCI). 計畫編號:NSC 101-2511-S-008-011-MY3 and NSC 101-2511-S-011-005-MY3.
  23. Gwo-Haur Hwang, Hui-Chun Chu, Beyin Chen, & Zheng Shan Cheng (2014). Development and Evaluation of a Web 2.0-based Ubiquitous Learning Platform for Schoolyard Plant Identification. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 12(2), 83-103. (EI).計畫編號:NSC 99-2511-S-275-001-MY3
  24. 黃國豪、陳碧茵、曾薇方、黃筱惠(2013年10月) 。程式設計課程應用悅趣化遊戲競爭策略於學習動機與學習成效之影響。數位學習科技期刊,5(4),27-43。計畫編號:NSC 99-2511-S-275-001-MY3.
  25. 黃國豪、陳碧茵、黃鈺婷、李栩鈺(2013年7月)。彩虹眷村之行動導覽系統使用結果分析。全球華人計算機教育應用學報,9(1、2),72-86。計畫編號:NSC 99-2511-S-275-001-MY3.
  26. 黃國豪、陳碧茵、王瑞明(2012年12月)。結合電子書之悅趣式形成性評量證照輔導系統。嶺東學報,(32),113-132。ISSN:1811-1912.計畫編號:NSC 99-2511-S-275-001-MY3.
  27. Gwo-Haur Hwang, Chen-Yu Lee & Wei-Fang Tseng. (2012/12). Development and evaluation of an educational computer game for a certification examination. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 5(2), 27-40. 計畫編號:NSC 99-2511-S-275-001-MY3.
  28. 陳碧茵、黃國豪、陳琬婷(2012年06月)。結合QR Code、Google Maps及Web 2.0之旅遊路線規劃平台。嶺東學報,(31),1-28。ISSN:1811-1912.
  29. 黃國豪、陳碧茵、葉志鴻、林冠妤(2011年04月)。結合行動、感應及語音科技之圖書館導引系統及其成效分析。數位學習科技期刊,3(2),21-43。計畫編號:NSC 97-2631-S-024-002及NSC 96-2520-S-275-001-MY3.
  30. 黃國豪、李玲梅、王皓瑀、洪珮菁、吳佳茹、賴煖菱(2010年09月)。無所不在學習之系統建置與成效分析─以小學生認識校園植物為例。數位學習科技期刊,2(3),19-41。計畫編號:NSC 96-2520-S-275-001-MY3.
  31. Pei-Shan Tsai, Chin-Chung Tsai & Gwo-Haur Hwang (2010/5). Elementary school students' attitudes and self-efficacy of using PDAs in a ubiquitous learning context. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(3), 297-308. (SSCI).計畫編號:NSC 96-2511-S-011-002-MY3 and NSC 98-2631-S-011-001.
  32. Tung-Yen Lai and Gwo-Haur Hwang (2010, January). Application of Half-Life Theory and Fuzzy Theory to a Selection And Recommendation System for Web Advertisement Delivery In Consideration of the Time Effect. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 7 (1), 70-80. (EI). ISSN: 1790-0832.
  33. 黃國豪、陳碧茵、賴世偉、林春合(2009年09月)。博物館學習導覽系統之建置、應用與成效分析。數位學習科技期刊,1(4),307-325。計畫編號:NSC-96-2520-S-275-001-MY3.
  34. Shian-Shyong Tseng, Jun Ming Su, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Gwo-Haur Hwang, Chin-Chung Tsai & Chang-Jiun Tsai (2008/4). An Object-Oriented Course Framework for Developing Adaptive Learning Systems. Educational Technology & Society, 11(2), 171-191.(SSCI).計畫編號:NSC 95-2520-S-009-007-MY3 and NSC 95-2520-S-024-003-MY3.
  35. Gwo-Jen Hwang, Peng-Yeng Yin, Tzu-Ting Wang, Judy C.R. Tseng & Gwo-Haur Hwang (2008/1). An Enhanced Genetic Approach to Optimizing Auto-Reply Accuracy of an E-Learning System. Computers & Education, 51(1), 337-353. (SSCI).計畫編號:NSC 95-2524-S-024 -002 and NSC 95-2520-S-024-003.
  36. Gwo-Jen Hwang, Judy C. R. Tseng & Gwo-Haur Hwang (2008/2). Diagnosing Student Learning Problems based on Historical Assessment Records. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(1), 77-89. (SSCI).計畫編號:NSC 95-2524-S-024 -002 and NSC 95-2520-S-024 -003.
  37. Po-Han Wu, Gwo-Haur Hwang, Hsiang-Ming Liu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Judy C.R. Tseng & Yueh-Min Huang (2008/1). Knowledge verification for fuzzy expert systems. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 31 (6), 997-1009. (SCI Expanded, EI). 計畫編號:NSC 96-2520-S-024-004-MY3 and NSC 95-2520-S-024-003-MY3.
  38. Pei-Jin Tsai, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Judy C.R. Tseng & Gwo-Haur Hwang (2008/1). A Computer-Assisted Approach to Conducting Cooperative Learning Process. Journal of Distance Education Technology, 6(1), 49-66. (EI). 計畫編號:NSC 95-2524-S-024 -002 and NSC 95-2520-S-024 -003.
  39. Ming-Hseng Tseng, Sheng-Jhe Chen, Gwo-Haur Hwang & Ming-Yu Shen (2008/3). A genetic algorithm rule-based approach for land-cover classification. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 63(2), 202-212. (SCI) .計畫編號:NSC 93-2211-E-040 -001.
  40. 黃國豪、葉晟德、王士晋、陳碧茵、林春合、賴世偉(2007)。結合多風格量表之適性化數位學習系統。國立台南大學理工研究學報,41(2),25-42。計畫編號:NSC 95-2524-S-024 -002.
  41. Gwo-Jen Hwang, Hsiang Cheng, Carol H.C. Chu, Judy C.R. Tseng & Gwo-Haur Hwang (2007). Development of a Web-based System for Diagnosing Student Learning Problems on English Tenses. Journal of Distance Education Technology. 5(4), 80-98(EI),計畫編號:NSC 95-2524-S-024 -002 and NSC 95-2520-S-024 -003.
  42. 黃國禎、朱蕙君、陳佐霖、王姿婷、曾秋蓉、黃國豪(2007). 線上自律學習輔助系統之研究與實證. Chinese Journal of Science Education. 15(3), 317-334(TSSCI)。計畫編號:NSC-94-2524-S-024-002 and NSC 94-2524-S-024 -003.
  43. 黃國禎、朱蕙君、曾秋蓉、黃國豪、黃繼緯、林農堯(2007)。具自我調適功能之線上課程問題自動回覆系統。電子商務學報,9(3)599-624。(TSSCI) 計畫編號:NSC 95-2524-S-024 -002 and NSC 95-2520-S-024 -003.
  44. Gwo-Haur Hwang, Jun-Ming Chen, Gwo-Jen Hwang & Hui-Chun Chu (2006). A Time Scale-Oriented Approach for Building Medical Expert Systems. Expert Systems with Applications, 31(2),299-308. (SCI, EI) 計畫編號:NSC-93-2524-S-260-003.
  45. Yin, P.-Y., Chang, K.-C., Hwang, G.-J., Hwang, G.-H. Hwang, & Chan, Y. (2006). A Particle Swarm Optimization Approach to Composing Serial Test Sheets for Multiple Assessment Criteria. Educational Technology & Society, 9 (3), 3-15. (SSCI) 計畫編號:NSC 94-2524-S-024-003.
  46. Hui-Chun Chu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Judy C. R. Tseng & Gwo-Haur Hwang (2006). A Computerized Approach to Diagnosing Student Learning Problems in Health Education. Asian Journal of Health and Information Sciences, 1(1), 43-60. 計畫編號:NSC 95-2524-S-024 -002 and NSC 95-2520-S-024 -003.
  47. Jun-Ming Chen, Gwo-Haur Hwang, Gwo-Jen Hwang & Carol H.C. Chu (2005). Analyzing Domain Expertise by Considering Variants of Knowledge in Multiple Time Scales. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. l(3683), 1324-1330. (SCI).計畫編號:NSC-93-2524-S-009-004-EC3.
  48. G.H.Hwang & W.Z.Shen(1996). Fault analysis and automation test pattern generation for break faults in programmable logic arrays. IEE Proc. Circuits Devices Systems, 143(3),157-166. (SCI).
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研究成果 :

  1. 二胡翻轉教學影片製作與推廣:48人次
  2. 個人化擴增實境英語學習系統:65人次/li>
  3. 資料庫課程自律學習題庫練習系統:112人次
  4. 遊戲式翻轉教學學習系統:88人次
  5. 競爭遊戲式題庫練習系統:88人次
  6. 穿載式擴增實境烹飪學習系統:22人次
  7. 國小機器人導覽系統:80人次
  8. 合作式HTML題庫練習系統:76人次
  9. 虛擬實境英語學習系統學習系統:399人次
  10. 體感與穿載科技之二胡演奏姿勢矯正學習系統:64人次
  11. 遊戲式原住民舞蹈學習系統:67人次
  12. 語言學習機器人英文單字及對話學習系統:128人次